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    golf 結果共129筆

  • Taiwanese weightlifter Chen Wen-huei eyes medal in Olympics

    Discover how Taiwanese weightlifter Chen Wen-huei aims for Olympic glory in the 71kg category, facing new challenges and high expectations. Plus, updates on Taiwanese golfers at the Olympics.
    2024/08/09 15:28
  • Hsu Wei-ling climbs to 14th in Olympic golf rankings

    Discover how Taiwanese golfer Hsu Wei-ling climbed the ranks at the Paris 2024 Olympics, shooting a 69 in the second round to move up to 14th place. Read about her journey and the competition’s latest updates.
    2024/08/09 13:36
  • Finance minister defends amusement tax as key revenue source

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s amusement tax changes: Finance Minister Chuang Tsui-yun announces reductions for most entertainment taxes, while golf remains at 20%. Local governments gain the power to suspend taxes on sports and cultural events. Learn more about the implications for local revenue and industry development.
    2024/08/08 10:50
  • Weightlifter Kuo Hsing-chun battles injuries in Olympics

    Discover how Taiwan’s "Goddess of Weightlifting," Kuo Hsing-chun, overcomes injury challenges at the Olympics and more on Taiwan’s athletes’ performances.
    2024/08/08 10:02
  • Team Taiwan eyes medal surge in final Olympic days

    Discover how Team Taiwan is gearing up for a thrilling finale at the Olympic Games, with athletes in table tennis, golf, canoe sprint, boxing, and weightlifting eyeing medals in the last four days of competition.
    2024/08/07 16:31
  • Taiwanese golfers set for Paris Olympics debut

    Discover how Taiwanese golfers Chien Pei-yun and Hsu Wei-ling qualified for the Paris Olympics, their rankings, and their reactions to representing Taiwan.
    2024/06/25 12:46
  • Golf週年慶!最高「降價30萬元」 GTI、Golf R經典款問世

    從1974年問世至今,Volkswagen最具代表性的中型掀背車款Golf車系已經問世滿50週年,為慶祝Golf走過半百歲月,Volkswagen Taiwan不但舉辦品牌嘉年華活動,更以Golf GTI與Golf R為基礎打造兩款The Golf Edition 50經典紀念款,透過配備升級強化戰力並分別開出145.8萬元與199.8萬元建議售價。相較於標準Golf GTI與Golf R兩款車型分別降價30萬元與14萬元,但各僅有50輛額度,以優惠價格回饋支持Golf的死忠粉絲。
    2024/05/11 11:51
  • Son Ye-jin’s star power boosts golf brand

    Beloved Korean actress Son Ye-jin extends her endorsement contract with golf brand PIRETTI through 2024, captivating audiences worldwide. Despite reducing public appearances and film projects after marriage and childbirth, Son’s allure remains undiminished, fostering brand loyalty. Her personal passion for golf is showcased on social media, where her golf attire, including polo shirts, pleated skirts, calf-length white socks, and sneakers, garners widespread attention. Son’s popularity soared in Asia after her role in the Korean drama "Crash Landing on You," boosting PIRETTI’s product sales. With her enduring charm and influence, Son’s star continues to shine bright as she balances her personal and professional life.
    2024/02/07 17:46
  • 德裔鋼砲Golf R小改款首曝光!動力性能有望升級

    德國時間1月24日,Volkswagen正式揭開第8代Golf小改款模樣,包含外觀設計、內裝鋪陳以及配備升級等都全面公布。不過,當時雖然Golf、Golf GTI、Golf GTE與Golf Variant等都同步曝光,擔綱Volkswagen鋼砲王者Golf R卻並未露臉。如今,受到性能掀背車迷期待的Golf R終於「現身」亮相!只不過,仍是偽裝原型車狀態,Volkswagen表示,小改款Golf R預計今年年中亮相,外傳有望跟隨Golf GTI腳步,同步迎來動力升級。
    2024/01/30 11:21
  • 204 workers accept severance from Launch Tech after layoff

    Launch Technologies Co., a golf manufacturer in Pingtung, Taiwan, has reached a severance agreement with 204 of its local workers following a layoff plan submitted last month. The company, which suffered a significant explosion at its factory in September, has also helped some employees find new jobs and provided them with generous severance pay. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has pledged to closely monitor the labor rights of the affected workers. The factory buildings remain closed and operations will only resume after third-party verification of their structural safety. Launch Technologies has established an internal legal team to compensate the impacted employees and has committed to continuing salary payments through the end of the year.
    2023/12/07 14:30
  • Launch Technologies reports NT$1.3B losses from factory fire

    Launch Technologies Co, a golf ball manufacturer, has announced losses of NT$1.329 billion resulting from a catastrophic factory explosion in late September. The losses include NT$273 million worth of inventory, NT$599 million in property and equipment damages, NT$2.71 million in other asset losses, and NT$455 million as a liability reserve. The company’s third-quarter financial report, approved by the board, reveals total revenues of NT$2.776 billion during the first three quarters. Operations have been suspended following the incident, which is expected to further impact the company’s operations. The factory fire in Pingtung County on September 22 resulted in 10 fatalities and over 100 injuries.
    2023/11/07 18:31
  • Golf ball maker faces NT$2.4M fine for Pingtung factory fire

    Pingtung County imposes a NT$2.4 million fine on golf ball maker Launch Technologies for a deadly factory fire. Learn more about the penalties and investigations surrounding this tragic incident.
    2023/09/25 19:04
  • Delivery drivers rally to support exhausted firefighters

    A tragic fire at a Pingtung golf ball factory claims six lives, including four firefighters. Delivery drivers come together to support exhausted first responders. Learn more about this devastating incident.
    2023/09/23 16:54
  • Launch Technologies yet to issue statement on factory blast

    An explosion at Launch Technologies Co., Ltd., a golf ball manufacturer in Taiwan’s Pingtung Technology Industrial Park, has resulted in hundreds of casualties. The company, a major player in the global golf ball market, has not yet released a detailed statement about the incident.
    2023/09/23 14:26
  • Tragic factory blaze: 5 dead, 5 missing and 98 injured

    Factory explosion in Pingtung leaves 5 dead, 5 missing, and 98 injured. Ongoing investigation into the cause. Pingtung government collaborates with Export Processing Zone Administration on compensation.
    2023/09/23 14:08
  • Update: Pingtung factory explosion leaves 5 dead, 5 missing

    A suspected chemical explosion at a golf equipment manufacturer in Pingtung City has left 5 dead, 5 missing, and 98 injured, with 2 in critical condition.
    2023/09/23 10:45
  • 越南海景飯店再+1!獨享4公里純白沙灘 無邊際泳池超美

    有東方夏威夷之稱的峴港擁有美溪沙灘、巴拿山佛手金橋、粉紅大教堂等景點,是成為越南旅遊的人氣新興城市,也越來越多國際品牌飯店進駐,更帶動周邊城市的發展。如果在人擠人的市區住膩了,就可以選擇較為幽靜城市「會安」。Hoiana Resort & Golf綜合渡假村,今年又有1間酒店開幕,每個房間都可以看到無敵海景,還能暢遊全區內沙灘、賭場以及無邊際泳池等設施。
    2023/09/11 21:32
  • NBA/準到高爾夫球場!柯瑞名人賽「一桿進洞」 就連詹皇也看傻

    勇士巨星柯瑞(Stephen Curry)除了是NBA史上最偉大的射手外,私下還是個高爾夫球的狂熱者。值得一提的是,柯瑞在台灣時間今(16)日的美國世紀冠軍賽高球名人賽(American Century Celebrity Golf Championship)中,竟上演賽史首度的「一桿進洞」,讓他當下興奮地滿場奔跑,不但全美網站都為之瘋狂,就連好友詹姆斯(LeBron James)也忍不住驚呼:「這真的太狂了!」
    2023/07/16 16:12
  • 旅行車、PHEV一併登台?Opel Astra「這天」上市

    Opel總代理歐吉汽車在4月份全新中型SUV Grandland的上市發表會上,就透露了下半年還會在台灣發表另一款Opel新車-Astra的重磅消息,而近期歐吉汽車又確認了Astra即將在6月7日正式在台上市,成為Opel去年重返台灣後的第三款新車!不過讓人好奇的是,除了幾乎篤定會有的1.2升渦輪增壓三缸純燃油動力之外,性能跟節能表現都更出色的PHEV插電式油電動力,甚至是Astra Electric純電版,會不會也一併登台?
    2023/05/15 13:46
  • 加速探索火星與金星 阿聯政府豪擲244億台幣強化太空計畫

    有意探索無盡太空,尋找人類下一個家園,不只是美俄中三強有興趣,波灣地區的阿拉伯聯合大公國,憑藉著龐大資本和決心,近年來在航太領域急起直追,為了加速自家太空計畫發展進度,《海灣商業網》(Golf Business)報導,阿聯政府決定投注30億迪拉姆(約新台幣244億1700萬元),以基金方式投資6年計畫,該計畫不僅要研發新型衛星,也要嘗試加速對火星大氣層和金星(Venus)的探索。
    2022/07/18 15:55
  • 獨家/Tiguan漲聲響起來! 新年式全車系漲3至8萬元

    受到原物料價格飆漲、航運塞港船運費用上揚,還有車用晶片缺貨且醞釀漲價等因素影響,汽車生產成本不斷墊高,Volkswagen也扛不住漲價壓力,從Golf車系開出第一槍之後,Tiguan Allspace上市價格也較預售價再向上堆疊2至5萬元。於此同時,Volkswagen Taiwan官網亦悄悄上價2022年式Tiguan資訊,包含先前就曝光的新年式Tiguan R價格在內,全車系新年式價格全數喊漲,漲幅從3萬元至8萬元不等。不過,配備也有對應升級,配備三區恆溫空調車型後座空調面板皆改為觸控式,電動尾門也加入延遲關閉功能。
    2021/11/19 18:57
  • 獨家/傳Škoda多款新年式新車恐調漲 原廠:成本上揚不排除調整售價

    受到原物料價格上漲、全球車用晶片缺件、航運價格上揚等因素影響,汽車生產成本不斷拉抬,各品牌也陸續無法抵抗漲價壓力,紛紛調整旗下車款售價。包含Volkswagen旗下Golf、Peugeot旗下多款新車,還有Toyota品牌5款進口車都已經針對2022年式車型調整建議售價。近日,網路上也傳出Škoda可能針對多款2022年式新車調整建議售價,而且同樣是往漲價的方向調整。對此,Škoda Taiwan表示,由於生產成本不斷飆漲,確實不排除有調整售價可能。但目前尚未定案,會否漲價現階段還無法確定。
    2021/11/08 17:59
  • 林志穎爆改Model 3創麗寶最速電車記錄 蘇宗怡最愛的GTI竟被針對?

    相信車迷都知道「不老男神」林志穎除了喜歡玩車以外,對賽道也非常有熱情,過去在賽道上開過很多高性能賽車,而這次《地球黃金線》就透過同時也是林志穎親弟弟的超跑達人林志鑫,來介紹林志穎最新的賽道寵兒─Tesla Model 3 Performance,透過改裝後在麗寶賽道創下1分56秒757的電動車最速單圈成績。
    2021/11/05 12:02
  • 和泰證實5款車將漲價停止接單! 國產車與銷售神車不受影響

    2021/10/26 14:28
  • 8代Golf旅行車油耗破18km/L 達人:48V輕油電加持實測不會輸!

    第8代Golf以科技駕駛界面以及全面搭載48V輕油電輔助動力獲得好評,這次《地球黃金線》帶來Golf旅行車型Golf Variant,擁有過許多世代Golf的汽車達人Eddie楊欣儒表示,過往Golf的實際油耗通常都比原廠公佈的數據要來得耗油,但這次加入輕油電輔助後,相信實際油耗能後更接近原廠公佈數據。
    2021/10/20 15:34
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